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This course fulfills requirement by the AHA for initial instructor onboarding.


This fee covers the cost of:


- instructor onboarding

- initial instructor eCard

- enrollware profile for digital roster management and paperwork maintenance

- ** Additional fees may be required for instructor monitoring if no local instructor can be found, not to exceed $150 **


What are the prerequisites for this course?


1. Students must have a current AHA PALS Provider card

2. Students must commit to teaching at least two provider courses each year to maintain instructor certification

3.  Students must complete the AHA PALS Instructor Essentials course, link can be found HERE


What is the process?


1. Student must complete the online instructor essentials course

2. Student will meet virtually with Authorized training faculty for the instructor onboarding

3. Student will complete a skills monitoring and teach-back with a local authorized AHA faculty member

4. Instructor card is cut to instructor candidate and final meeting takes place virtually for final orientation and onboarding to our systems. 


What else needs to be purchased by instructor candidate?


1. All candidates must purchase required instructor manuals and course videos prior to instructor course. These can be purchased through Worldpoint or through kiser CPR HERE

2. All candidates must have AHA approved manikins with feedback devices integrated into the course. 


AHA PALS Instructor Course

Excluding Sales Tax
  • 1. Must have current AHA PALS provider card

    2. Must complete instructor essentials online from the AHA wesite: link is sent after purchasing this program. 


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